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Old 11-10-2014, 11:33 PM   #93
jfrost32's Arena
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Re: Madden NFL 15 Continues A Long Tradition of No Penalties

Originally Posted by Sheba2011
Personally it doesn't bother me. I am someone who grew up in an era where penalties were rarely called, especially the ticky tack BS that is called in today's NFL (aka NBA with pads). I like my games to be decided by the players not the refs.
Then you don't want to play the game of football then. In every sport around the world there are games decided by refs whether it be a penalty in the nfl, a foul in a basketball game or a foul in a soccer game. Its part of the game, and if people can't accept it then they are not fans of the sport plain and simple. I know there shouldn't be a random feeling but for instance if you decided to slam the sprint button in lets say nba or fifa and you take out a player then its a foul every time. So lets take madden, how would you feel if you pass the ball to a receiver and the other player rams your receiver off his route and its an incomplete pass? I would want a defensive PI called on me because that's so unsportsmanlike and childish.
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