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Old 11-12-2014, 06:51 PM   #99
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Brampton,ON
Penalties in Madden in its current 'game state' just isn't going to work. The base game play, player animations and interactions have remained relatively static and unchanged for pretty much an entire generation...that is...Xbox360/PS:3 and now the first X:1 & PS:4 release.

So for right now, no, adding penalties to the mix would be IMO ugly and simply adding a randomly generated stat line.

At some point in the future, if this title can finally evolve and have some proper physics, some proper ball physics and trajectories and animation system. Then sure and yes, get penalties back in there and bring the gauntlet of them and put them in place with a proper risk-reward system.

P.S. ****** Madden players and/or ****** NFL gamers is a myth. Like many before have said, this arcadey Madden product is one part marketing and two parts catering to the wam-bam I'm done online gamers and tournament players.

Also I don't see anyone mentioning the NFL's role in this. This is their licensed product after all and I would bet that they have a fair amount of input into what they would like and what they want to see in their virtual official product.
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