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Old 11-19-2014, 11:53 AM   #99
Pezell04x's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Boston, MA
Blog Entries: 3
Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

SO I spent a couple of hours with it last night making my wrestler, doing the first few matches of MyCareer and some exhibition. I got the PS4 digital deluxe edition and my download was completed on Sunday. I am not sure if that matters for Sting/Hogan or whatever. Sting and Hogan downloaded properly for me and I used Sting in a match.

Creation Suite:

Face scanning: I would say my level of photoshopping is intermediate. I do it a lot for my hockey blog. My first face scan looked horrible. I did it in my kitchen which uses those energy saving blubs which made me look like I came out of the Simpsons. The second attempt was a hell of a lot better. I took my photo in the morning by the window. I did run into a could of problems however. My eyes/nose/mouth would not align together. I basically matched the eyes and the mouth together but my nostrils were above where they should be. Not that big of a deal.

Also I have a pretty large beard so I had to make the face cut at the hairline due to the limited facial hair options.

Last thing with the face scanning is I noticed my CAW's face (added in as body art) would shift slightly to the left for some reason. I would add a layer, delete something and the image would shift to the left. I basically had to build my CAW and then add the face scan on last which seems a little *** backwards.

Skin tone: My tip is to add your face and then do the skin tone after. It should help blend the CAW tone and your facial tone together.

Customization Options: I am a little disappointed with some missing options. There's no option (for what I saw) to turn your hat backwards. There's no real bandana, just do-rags (Hogan style). With that said, being able to import custom logos is legit. For ****s and giggles I imported our hockey blog bear and my tattoos and played around with them. They look fantastic.

There are some new shirts that I noticed but not much in terms of pants. There's also a lot more boots than I remember.

MyCareer: So I am only about 3 weeks into my career. I already hate Bill Mcdermott because he says the same four/five lines over and over at the most random times. I'm debating turning down commentary sound in MyCareer when he's around.

I did the opening match and a couple training matches.


Probably the best gameplay in the series. I really like the chain grappling mini-game. It slows down the pace of the match but not to the point where it is a slogfest in the beginning. I had a great chain grapple with Stone Cold (me) vs HHH that had a good back and forth to it.

Stamina is key to the flow of the match which I also enjoy. It was cool to see Austin hit a Stunner with barely any stamina left and then lay there, slowly getting to his knees. It really makes the action seem authentic. I also learned that you need stamina left to hit signatures/finishers. I was wondering why my CAW wouldn't hit his signature until I realized that he had no stamina left. Once the purple bar filled up a little over a quarter, I could hit it.

My biggest gripe is reversals and the kick out meter. Reversals are a timing thing so that's more on my end. The kick out meter is something I loathe and there seems no way to turn it off or change to the button mash so it is something I will have to get used to.

Also 2K added a separate audio slider for commentary. I turned it down to 0 and the game was 100x better. Listening to the crowd chant, the mat make noise, even the wrestlers walking on the mat was enjoyable without Cole's "He's putting his educated feet to good use!" and King's inane comments. It is a tactic I use in The Show as well so if you're sick of the commentary, I would go that route.

Overall I am really glad I purchased this game. The accelerator hasn't worked for me yet, but I plan on taking my time with Universe as it is and to play through MyCareer and start Showcase.
I really enjoyed the four/five matches I played yesterday.
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