11-21-2014, 01:23 PM
Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here
Can someone tell me if there's a 2k network (like draft classes and rosters in NBA, etc.) where you can download already created guys onto your XB1? I was hoping I could create 1 guy and then have 24 past WWE wrestlers that someone would've already made. I'm just not great at that kind of thing. I am getting this game because I used to love the games, but don't watch anymore. So I want more "old-timers" in there w/o making them myself. Sorry if this is both already answered or the wrong spot. I tried to do due diligence to make sure it wasn't answered and I didn't see it anywhere. Thank you!
Last edited by HartmanTeets6; 11-21-2014 at 01:38 PM.