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Old 11-22-2014, 11:37 AM   #15
OVR: 4
Join Date: Feb 2004
Re: NHL 15 Hasn't Updated Its Player Ratings Since Launch

I always find the rating adjustment just causes more problems. They do tend to increase people that are playing well, but they leave players who are having a bad year at their original rating anyway so you just get higher ratings overall.

Of course edit player and total team control would be the best, but we don't have them and there's no plans to add them so let's just let that one go for now.

Me and my buddies have a ball hockey group and we always have a get together around Christmas to have some beers and play some Sega Genesis hockey. This year we picked up NHL 97 for the Genesis and we were messing around with it and I started looking at the rosters and found them quite interesting.

| Even-Strength - 5th | Power-Play - 5th |
| Penalty Killing - 14th | Goaltending - 7th |
____|_____________________________________________ ____________________________
Pos | # | Players | Overall |
C | 11 | Mark Messier | 87 |
C | 12 | Ken Gernander | 67 |
C | 13 | Sergei Nemchinov | 75 |
C | 27 | Alexei Kovalev | 87 |

RW | 16 | Pat Verbeek | 75 |
RW | 18 | Bill Berg | 67 |
RW | 22 | Shane Churla | 71 |
RW | 37 | Daniel Lacroix | 67 |

LW | 9 | Adam Graves | 80 |
LW | 15 | Darren Langdon | 64 |
LW | 17 | Jari Kurri | 70 |
LW | 20 | Luc Robitaille | 75 |
LW | 24 | Niklas Sundstrom | 73 |
LW | 32 | Sergio Momesso | 74 |

RD | 23 | Jeff Beukeboom | 68 |
RD | 25 | Alexander Karpovtsev | 68 |
RD | 33 | Bruce Driver | 71 |
RD | 55 | Marty McSorley | 70 |

LD | 2 | Brian Leetch | 83 |
LD | 4 | Kevin Lowe | 66 |
LD | 5 | Ulf Samuelsson | 74 |
LD | 6 | Doug Lidster | 66 |

G | 35 | Mike Richter | 81 |
G | 30 | Glenn Healy | 71 |

Sorry it's not lined up better, but you see the point. The range on a good team like the Rangers is 66 to 87. Lemieux was highest at 100 along with a couple others, but the guys that weren't great were rated as such Gtrezky was only an 88 because of his decline in skills by then. Most teams in 15 are 80-100 now and that is the problem. I just wish when EA updated the rosters they would use this wider spread like they used to and make the 3rd and 4th liners play just like that.
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