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Old 11-25-2014, 01:41 AM   #89
OVR: 2
Join Date: Sep 2012
Re: Madden NFL 15 Update 1.04 Has Arrived, 398 MB

Originally Posted by young6s
I blame myself as well. No more will they steal my 65 dollars.

Yeah I skipped last year for the first time in a long time has I have not liked a game sinces madden 07 on game cube. I got this years game but only because I wanted to try it on a new system and I have yet to see a redbox that has ps4 games. All the redbox's I have seen only have ps3,xbox 360 and wii u games. Out side of the sacks and the owner mode money issue the game is really good but those 2 things are a killer. This is the best madden in years but that is not saying much and again those 2 things are game killers. I traded the game back in like 2 weeks ago for $39. That is the problem with madden ever year the game has a game killer majore majore issue and ever year something that was not an issue the year before becomes an issue. So next year back to not buying the game again. Maybe by like madden 2030 or something the game will be good again lol.
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