I have to admit...here is how I approached the editing/creation process. I used the same method asantsead did for Alltime15 and in fact used his roster file as a base with his permission since it had so many of the players already done.
However, you will not see exact height and weight...or college. I tried to match position, skin color, and general "look" and then I edited equipment and ratings for that player. I would never come close to finishing if I had to create all players from scratch. It is a concession I made with the roster set as I wanted to cut down on the overall process.
So, my set may not be for all people. In fact, it already got one dislike in the vault even though I have only done 4 teams! LOL. Oh well, you can't please everyone.
If anyone feels like assisting let me know. However, you should have a keen awareness of the classic teams at least from an appearance point of view, I can update ratings and even equipment. It's going to take a while but at some point they will all be done!