I am officially giving up on Madden until it moves to another studio with an entirely different development team. If that never happens, I'll spend the money I would have spent on Madden on some version of Sunday Ticket or something like that.
I have persisted in the belief that at some point they would figure out how to represent NFL football with some degree of fidelity, but they just can't seem to get even one core aspect of NFL football right. There's nothing I can point to and say "look at that--they nailed it!" The player models look good in stills, but once you put this game in motion, it's an absolute mess.
Every patch seems to mess things up or introduce more variables than there were before into the mix so that it's near impossible to get a solid slider set going that will give you both reasonably believable stats and decent animations.
The Show came out of the box last year nearly perfect at default. At default, M15 gives you 90% CPU QB completion percentages, 6-9 sacks per game, rag doll animations left and right, no WR/DB interactions, degrees of separation in coverage that you don't even see in bad HS football, etc., etc.
I couldn't stomach M25 for more than a couple weeks. I don't know how I stuck with M15 this long, but I simply can't take it anymore. It's so sad and such a travesty that Tiburon can't make an NFL game that's on par with the best offerings in other sports. And it's not personal; I wish them all well. I just wish that someone in management would say "hey, our fans deserve an elite product, and we're going to give Madden to a studio that can deliver an elite product that will make NLF fans as excited as MLBTS and NBA2K make their fans."
R.I.P. Madden football, R.I.P.