Unless EA fixes up their games big time or I just get real stupid/desperate to play a new EA NHL game years from now, I won't ever be buying a EA Sports NHL game again.
I've been playing NHL video games for 15 years now and at one point, EA Sports was even my fave company out there, but that has quickly changed and now I hate EA Sports almost as bad as I hated THQ(thankfully THQ is dead now).
They just refuse to fix some of the major gameplay problems in the game(too few penalties,too many passing issues,CPU gets so many rebounds/rebound goals,puck control for the users are horrible,and sliders in general are broken), and instead just focus their time/effort on HUT and all these stupid gimmicks. And have that horrible
PR guy who dodges more questions than a politician and acts more annoying that pushy commission salesmen. He's even blamed the CUSTOMERS for why certain issues occur in the game, instead of trying to fix some issues,he said it was because of how people play the game, as to why some things do(or don't) happen....Just amazes me the types of things they do at times/lengths they go to in order to defend their mistakes.