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Old 12-19-2014, 09:31 AM   #17
tru11's Arena
OVR: 0
Join Date: Aug 2010
better ?
how about PRC actually work like its supposed to?
people can hot route to a slant 5 times in a row and the defense will not adjust to it at all.
you need to user cover it.

im all for user skills but whats the point of having a PRC rating then?

Same with screens.
dliners with at least 88 PRC used to be able to sniff out a screen and would stop rushing the QB and follow the RB right away.
now they just rush like mindless droids lol.

Another thing is also having physics and such work.
3-4 DE like Ngata and Watt usually require a double at the point of attack but unless you user them they seem useless.
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