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Old 12-19-2014, 01:39 PM   #8
GOBLUE_08's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Pittsburgh
Re: The Future of Sports Gaming Roster Updates

Originally Posted by GlennN
I must be in the minority. While I can't talk about basketball, since I don't play basketball games, my feelings are the same for every videogame sport I play. I only play offline franchise mode, so rosters quickly become full of fictitious players anyway. Existing players may retire or move to other teams. This becomes my own personal universe. So, the entire concept of a roster update is foreign to me. I just have no need for a roster update at all, regardless of how it is calculated or done.
I'm starting to lean this way myself. I used to be very meticulous about rosters being as up to date as possible, but now, I just don't care as much.

I really just need one good base roster to start with and I'm good from there. I do all fantasy draft franchises now just to make it my own little world. I find that doing it this way makes me care a lot less about who's stats aren't accurate or who's contract is wrong. I just have fun with the game. My gaming time is limited and precious . Don't really have time to sweat the small stuff anymore.
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