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Old 12-23-2014, 03:04 PM   #6
OVR: 1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Seattle, WA
Re: Class of 2015: 500+ Real Recruits (NCAA14/Xbox360/EA DB Editor)

Thanks to those of you who downloaded the file and provided feedback.

Art01: Part of this project was about ratings, part of it was to fix some of the things that annoy me about recruiting classes - the majority of the top 50 are skill positions/athletes, the lack of Polynesian/unique names/Jr.'s or III, faces/races not matching their name/position, and how it seems like many of the players have no rhyme or reason to the schools in their top 3-5-10. Obviously these kinds of things can't really be automated.

I did use some formulas to edit ratings... I started by exporting files to Excel to average out each rating at each position in a default recruiting class as well as the full roster. I also tried to pair off position groups that should be similar in ratings, like OL/DL, RB/LB, WR/CB for vitals like speed, acceleration, strength (basically looking at the averages and +/- mass editing each player at that position so they match up better).

Then I did mass edits based on recruiting rank/position to try to create a bigger gap between great/average/poor players. For a quick example at CB of some of the main changes:
Ranked 1-50 at position: -2 ACC, -2 PRC, -10 TAK, +5 AWR, +2 MCV, +1 ZCV
Ranked 51-100: -4 ACC, -6 PRC, -12 TKL, -2 MCV, -1 ZCV, -2 AWR
Ranked 100+: -7 ACC, -8 PRC, -15 TKL, -5 MCV, -3 ZCV, -5 AWR
I also randomly picked about 10-20 players at each position and raised or lowered some attributes further, trying to create more gems and busts.

I have used the Tdawg/Khaliib's spreadsheets to edit rosters and maybe I could go about creating my own but instead of applying it to the entire roster/recruiting class, maybe could use one for each position group to make the rating process simpler.

Arrowhead29: Yeah, you're right about them being passed over in future CPU-generated classes, unless I do something to automate the ratings. Fair and valid point. I may attempt to create some more recruiting classes in the future to play with, although we all obviously play seasons/games at different speeds. I also might just sort of reverse the ratings changes I did and release a more default rated class.

omega412930: No problem, hope it helps make the game a little more fun for you.

Jackster802: Thank you for that information, I will try to add some of those equipment edits in a future release, if there is interest.
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