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Old 12-25-2014, 11:26 AM   #135
D* B**rs!
Boilerbuzz's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K15 Patch #3 Available Now For Xbox One

Originally Posted by grodbetatted
Passes from one player to the next no matter the distance seems to have more floaty passes than passes with zip on it. I honestly believe thats how 2k wants their game to play, so people can play off-ball defense more easily. In 2k tipped passes have plagued the series no matter how good the pass would be in real life, the pass gets tipped in the game. I feel that, thats partially due to passing not having a since of urgency in the game. Most online players play off ball defense even after the patch (I've ran a few games) because they know it's easier to intercept a floaty pass than it is to play on ball defense. That needs to be addressed in my opinion.

Yes. That must be it. They are just a bunch of idiots that have no clue how basketball is supposed to play and they sure as hell don't care if people have been whining about it for years. And they will continue to whine about it even if it's no longer an issue.

In my opinion, the reason people play offball is because they can't play onball or they know that they can bait people into bad passes.
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