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Old 01-12-2015, 06:16 PM   #18
scottyp180's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by BA2929
I'll get this back on track so it doesn't become a complaint thread:

How could they even begin to put this in the game where it didn't feel completely random and forced?

It happens so rarely where this call actually affects the outcome of a game that the last instance people can remember off-hand is Megatron "dropping" that pass back in 2010.

Can EA put in something that affects a game once every 4-5 years?

I know you guys think "if it happens in real life, it should happen in the game", but let's be realistic. I've watched every single Chiefs game since 2008 and I can't remember this rule ever coming into play. Does it really need to be IN the game for Madden to be an accurate representation of the NFL?
If you think about it this is already somewhat in the game its called complete and incomplete passes. If a player makes a catch the games recongizes the play as a catch, if the player does not catch the ball it is called incomplete. They could add animations or physics so that the ball can be dropped or knocked loose upon making contact with the ground, again this might already be in the game, but I don't want it to get to the point where I need to question whether ot not madden refs screw, although it akready happens.

I think it is more important for madden to get penalties and challenges correct. Penalties are nearly non-existent and you can only challenge if and when the game let's you. There have been plenty of times where I want to challenge a call and the game simply does not allow me to.
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