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Old 01-16-2015, 08:51 PM   #7
manu1433's Arena
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Join Date: May 2014
Re: Why are we REWARDED for playing this game like NBA Jam?

Originally Posted by Kobrakai
For once, just once, I'd like to be able to play a game of NBA2K15 where good ball movement, accurate cuts, good kickouts and closeouts are the ingredient to victory rather than finding ways to hold down the turbo button and dunk every possible shot.

Take this new MyTeam challenge, for example - it's just sad that people have run game after game before coming to the conclusion that the only way to win is to stack your team full of dunkers and run at the CPU trying to milk foul calls.

Domination is the same - if you play a game where you beat the CPU by 30 points by running plays and keeping the score realistic, you don't have a chance in hell of getting the MT points to win the reward packs. So people just speed up the tempo to a ridiculous run-and-gun tempo and end up getting more rewarded for it... and people wonder why many online players are so cheesy?

With habits like this for most first-timers encouraged with the introduction offline, what incentive do they have to learn how to play ACTUAL basketball when they can just play this unrealistic BS and see much better results?

If 2K wants to market this as a "simulation" game, then they need to get their **** together and reward smart gameplay and logical roster construction rather than inane Harlem Globetrotter crap.
To be fair, their marketing works pretty well.

I've seen hundreds of posts on this site claiming 2k is a "sim."

Every single time somebody says that it leaves me scratching my head.
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