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Old 02-03-2015, 12:29 AM   #891
ajblithe20's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Feb 2013
Re: MLB 15 The Show Fact Sheet - Gameplay Reveal Scheduled For February 5th on Tw...

Originally Posted by MLB Bob
The reason generated faces were brought in was because they dont have a way to do what youre asking. No player, let alone team would allow "every" player to where hats for teams they dont play for at training camp when their photos are taken. The compromise was the cpu generated faces.
Maybe they could spend time and edit each team's hat onto every player? Again, I don't know how much work this would all be, and I trust SCEA in their priorities for making the game better... just wanted to throw it out there!
I wish they'd at least update player photos when someone moves to a new team like they did in MLB 13 though. Or if they could add a player photo onto rookies once they create them (but idk if that's allowed or even possible).
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