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Old 02-05-2015, 02:01 PM   #1113
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Fact Sheet - Gameplay Reveal Scheduled For February 5th on Twitch

Originally Posted by tnixen
You know what is so funny?

Even with perhaps the greatest MLB The Show Fact Sheet ever I bet anything after the twitch stream later today a whole lot of us will be complaining about so many things that they do not like.Like for example Russell said all MLB stadiums have updated grass and dirt. How much you guys want to bet many of us will be saying where's the new grass and dirt that Russell was talking about? To me it looks no better then MLB 14 The Show on PS3 lol

Heck I may even be one of the complainers

Really though that Fact Sheet no doubt has a lot of us really hyped up for 15 I just think it may have hyped it a little too much. In my experience nothing ever turns out as good as it sounds on paper. I mean don't get me wrong MLB 14 The Show is freaking awesome I just do not expect 15 to be night and day better then 14.

Anyway I hope I will eat my words and be totally wrong when today is over!
This being said, do you guys think this will be the latest build? I mean, with only roughly a month of dev time left before it's really gotta start looking to go gold, you think they're gonna show a nice late build; or something from maybe a month ago or something for today's stream?
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