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Old 02-05-2015, 07:35 PM   #88
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Knight165's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Gameplay Stream - Archive Available Now if You Missed It

Originally Posted by ClarkWGrizwold
I get this game every year since I only have time to really get into 1 game. The fact sheet looks good and I'm looking forward to playing it, but the the thing that drives me crazy and puts a damper on it for me and makes me stop playing it after 1 month or 2 is the weather. Every year since 07 the weather temps have been way off, every night game is cold and forces the players to wear long sleeves. I play as the Mets and live in NJ it is not 50 to 60 degrees at night in June and July. So the time spent at the beginning editing the players with arm sleeves and and bands does not show during these games. Hopefully this is finally fixed.

To touch on this.......I think this is happening because SCEA uses the average day/night temps......but I've been doing some research on weather underground and looking at the 7PM starts compared to the nighttime is off.
If anyone has a specific city they feel is way off...and would like to document this by checking the game time start temp and sending me the info...I will get it to SCEA and hopefully they can check on this.
I say this...because I know from experience...just saying...."it's not right" and actually giving data to show..."it's not right"...means a big difference in getting them to look and and possibly change things.

I did N.Y. by checking 4 days of each month and compiling the data....I've just been really busy to go through more right now...and time is tight(maybe even too late...) for them to look at this for '15.

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