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Old 02-06-2015, 04:45 PM   #321
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Gameplay Stream Details - Archive Available Now, If You Missed It

Originally Posted by TotesMaGotes
Maybe improvement on animations that are stiff? Maybe new animations or fix the old animations? Maybe actually put something new into the game? I don't think any of the "new" stuff they talked about in the stream was actually new. In older games of this franchise and others we have seen players take bad routes to balls, miss read balls in the air, we've seen players not hustle down the line on every hit, we've seen ball physics and wind and clouds that move....

10 years ago we had games that had dynamic weather, stadiums with retractable roofs that would actually open or close. Why should we settle? I know they're busting their butts working on this game but getting excited over a nike swoosh on shoes is what turned Madden into...Madden... This is a solid game year in and year out but why can't it get exponentially better with so much more power behind it? Last year was understandable why it was basically a port from PS3 to PS4 just with added beard length, we as the consumers who pay an outrageous amount for a video game and the consoles shouldn't have to settle, but really they know they don't have to please us.

It's the only MLB baseball game on the only console that offers a MLB baseball game. With the power of the PS4 we shouldn't see players skate around. Actually make the ballplayers look like athletes, not stiff, belly flopping robots. A lot of the same animations have been used since the PS2, I guess I'm not the kind of guy that really likes stagnation...
They did and have been up****** animations, please learn facts before posting, again nothing you posted will make the game look or play much different....

Half the stuff you posted is BS, players dont SKATE now...the show already had some of the best Animations and movement in a sports game. They have added and updated a lot of stuff......maybe you have not played the game in 5 years?
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