I think I was tied for first but behind on differential. Because it was only one game into the season. And to be honest that's the only reason I didn't post the table. I think I was second or third. And yea I figured it would have been Vidal creating the most chances for me. And then Tevez but he has been great for me. And I stated when I posted the poll I was going to be focusing on my academy so I went out and spent most of my budget there. I bought a 5* 4*, 5* 5* and another 5* 4*, I think. But I am not positive. And the RM, I got using the scout a future star. Also because I feel the budgets are not life like, at the beginning where you can choose the "extras" or whatever. Meaning the x% budget increase and a free GTN scout. My percentage was 60% so I took that. It brought my budget from around 20M up to 40M. And the 40 seems much more life like to me. I can't see a powerhouse like Juventus only being able to spend 20 million in a window.