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Old 02-09-2015, 02:16 PM   #384
HozAndMoose's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Kansas City
Re: MLB 15 The Show Gameplay Stream Details - Archive Available Now, If You Missed It

Originally Posted by Jimmydm90
Is that an MLB restriction or just something they haven't implemented?

If it's MLB I wonder if totally fictional teams would be allowed to be in the league and move around. Like a more story based franchise mode. You start as a poor expansion team (limited resources, low quality facilities, meh stadium) then you move your way up by accomplishing goals (acquire or develop an allstar, develop a franchise player, win the division, win the World Series, campaign and win the rights to hold the allstar game, etc). All the way up to being a dynasty.
I believe there are some things MLB wont allow them to do. Not sure if that is one of them or not. But if it is MLB saying they cant move or change names i would assume MLB wouldnt want any fake teams either.
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