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Old 02-09-2015, 08:20 PM   #394
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MLB 15 The Show Gameplay Stream Details - Archive Available Now, If You Misse...

I've heard it mentioned before that the MLB wouldn't approve (and I know Russell, Ramone has liked comments containing that sentiment) but I've never understood why.

You can make a video game as realistic as you want but at the end of the day it's still fantasy. (As much as I'd like the real Buster Posey to hit 65 home runs in a season). I get not wanting player brawls or performance enhancing drugs but I don't think made up expansion teams reflect negatively on the MLB or are all that different from having diamond dynasty in the game.

With real team relocation, if you had to, you could limit it to a new stadium in the same city/state so nobody's feelings get hurt. That way you won't get NY and Boston fans complaining about the Chattanooga Yankees or the Cheboygan Red Sox (Though both of those would be awesome). Mostly I want create a stadium in the game. Though I do love pricing me some hot dogs.

Fingers crossed for Ballpark Tycoon some day.
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