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Old 02-20-2015, 12:57 PM   #243
tnixen's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Cubs vs. Pirates: Full Game (Archive Available)

Originally Posted by Mgbleu1986
From what I just watched this is basically MLB the Show 14.5. Guess I'll wait for 16.
As far the Shows "TV Style stat presentations" I totally agree that calling it MLB 14.5 The Show would be pretty much spot on. But you really can't judge the game if you have not actually played it yet. The gameplay maybe night and day better then 14 we really don't know until you have the controller in your hands and play it. But man I am so underwhelmed by the in game stat overlay presentations once again. Besides some new color schemes which do look nice it is presented exactly the same way it has been for like ever!!! It just seems this is one area of the game the developers are either happy with and don't feel it needs changing. Or maybe they do want to change it but it's always at the bottom of the list year after year. Until the in game presentations including how the stat overlays are presented and stadium camera work are greatly improved MLB The Show will just keep looking stale and get old quickly. I love MLB The Show so much but for at least me this is the one area of the game that I seem to be disappointed in every year. Iv'e been re questing some key presentation enhancements for years now and they have not been added yet so at this point it may be time to just stop even asking for them when it's time for the wish list as I feel I am just wasting my time. The greatest news for MLB The Show would be if Sony announced that they are adding like 10+ new developers some who even worked on 2K Baseball to help improve MLB The Shows presentations! Just imagine how much better and quicker features would be added if MLB The Show's development team was like double the size.

Last edited by tnixen; 02-20-2015 at 01:00 PM.
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