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Old 02-22-2015, 03:05 PM   #410
Shakedowncapo's Arena
OVR: 18
Join Date: Aug 2002
Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Cubs vs. Pirates: Full Game (Archive Available)

Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Dude just don't buy the game. I think I speak for several people here when I say your complaining and whining is getting very old. We get it, you don't like the animations. Save yourself 60 bucks and go on about your business. There really isn't anything left that can be said.
He's well within his rights to voice his displeasure in a tactful way. Outside of the "lazy" comment, which he allowed to detract from his overall point, he's right and its been said by many, many people here before about the animations and presentation.

If others thought it was a baiting comment, they should have ignored it and not let it spiral into a needless back and forth.

Last edited by Shakedowncapo; 02-22-2015 at 03:07 PM.
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