Honestly I don't really even need a new broadcast presentation "Every Year" I am sure that would be way to much work for the developers and take away from other areas of the game. However I think after about 10 years of basically the same exact broadcast presentation minus a few tweaks here and there it's about time for a HUGE maker over. The MLB The Show developers are the best in the business and I know in my heart they are very capable of creating a brand new broadcast presentation that would blow away that other baseball video game that a lot of us always refer to. I think I said this before but when I load up a game of MLB The Show I want the broadcast presentation to be so darn good that I could trick people into thinking I have on a real life baseball game on like ESPN, Fox, TBS or whatever.
I would even bet that most of the MLB The Show developers would agree that the broadcast presentation is in need of a major overhaul. But the problem is there are so many other areas of the game that also need improving and I have a feeling those areas are much more important to the developers then the broadcast presentation is. We all have a right to have our own opinions as to what would improve MLB The Show but for me and a lot of us it's the broadcast presentation that if overhauled would bring new life into the game. I am still going to buy MLB 15 The Show and 16,17 and so on because basically it's the only game I play and for good reason because it's just plays a fantastic game of baseball. But it would be great if one of these years I pop in the game and I am introduced to a spectacular fresh and exciting new "TV Style" broadcast presentation
And I also agree that new
scorebug is indeed a thing of beauty!