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Old 03-04-2015, 12:14 PM   #213
jjazwick's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Lincoln, NE
Re: Joe Montana Football 16: A Mysterious Game Remains Under Wraps

Originally Posted by Gridiron
To be fair yo, it's been talked about before. Whether it's true or not is a different story.

To be fair again, that community you mention gets things wrong a lot. There have been doozies in articles a ton of times over the years on this site alone.

On the strength, I don't care if its true or not. I'm buyin the game anyway. NFL or no NFL. Mobile or not. So none of this info phases me one way or the other.
I agree also! We can all speculate if the source is true or not? The one this that I know is that if a new NFL game comes out on console (PS4 or Xbox One) I am buying.

The short window does make sense since it would probably be revealed at E3 in June and then released about a month later. Why not a better time than E3 when everyone is watching!!!

Playing Madden NFL 17, MLB 16 The Show, Star Wars Battlefront & Battlefield 4 on PS4.

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