FIFA 15 Title Update #4 Available Now, Details Included (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC)
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03-09-2015, 05:04 PM
OVR: 7
Join Date: Jul 2004
Re: FIFA 15 Title Update #4 Available Now, Details Included (Xbox One, PlayStation 4,
Originally Posted by
Wow. That's pretty big.
-set ranges
-no more bid; everything bin
-mobile app will continue to have access to the transfer market blocked
At first glance, this seems strongly aimed to negatively affect coin sellers(but I am sure they will find/have already found a way), bots running though the app, other scams, but also players playing "clean" but working the buy low/sell high edges of the market and the "wth did this dummy list Messi with a 700 coin bin" searchers/finders. It feels; again first glance; like the main(only?) ones to benefit will be the FIFA point buyers and players who's primary source of coins is actually playing games.
It will be interesting to see which of those groups have actually been feeding the cash cow FUT the most profit. It feels like this is a game company making a pretty big change in favor of the "casuals" over the "hard core", at least as defined by the transfer market.
Oh and another biggie...
-ranges will be the same for all systems. From what I understand prices are currently a good bit higher on PS4.
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