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Old 03-13-2015, 09:55 PM   #35
jkra0512's Arena
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Re: Implementing a Better Spring Training in MLB: The Show

Originally Posted by CaseIH
I like this idea. Im surprised with so many avid baseball fans we have around here that play this game, that a lot of them find Spring Training boring and just skip it.

IMO real die hard baseball fans love Spring Training,lol. I love this time of year watching Spring Training games, and enjoy playing them in MLBTS, but would love to see spring have some type of impact in the game.

Out of all the sports exhibition game, Spring Training is actually a great time for fans as well as a lot of players enjoy it. Unlike the NFL and NBA pre seasons, personally I cant stand pre season football, and dont watch it unless there is no baseball on, but with MLB TV and MILB TV I always have baseball, thank God for that,lol.
I hear ya!

I'd love to see the option to also help mold a pitcher's repertoire. For instance, you always hear about pitchers working on a certain type of pitch during Spring Training or the coaching staff even asking younger pitchers to work on a certain type of pitch. I would like to see dynamic fluctuations and development in these pitches.

Being a Yankees fan, one example I can think of is when they traded for Brandon McCarthy last season and he said the D-Backs told him to stop using his cutter, but after he signed with the Yankees they told him to start using it again and it appears to have helped.

That's kind of an extreme example, and it happened during the season, but that'd be kind of cool to see. Maybe it's built into the team's philosophy, where the Yankees covet leftys and pitchers with a good a curveball and/or changeup. Seeing these develop over the course of ST could bring some life to the first month of the season...
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