I meant to say now higher resolution, but it typed as not higher resolution.funny you jumped on that one sentence and it was an error. I've purchased this game the last 5 years, will be 6 this year. I think lack of competition made this game rest on its laurels. We can argue all day about what should or shouldn't be upgraded from year to year. I'm saying in my opinion,I look at this game from 2 years ago on ps3, to now, year 2 on ps4, and we get a kind of crappy radio show, improved skin tones and grass color.
The game is stale! I know it's a cult classic on OS but at some point they are going to need to make more significant upgrades to areas of the game that matter.
They've had the same post game animations for like 4 years now, same commentary. Gameplay is phenomenal, but at some point it gets boring having he same experience playing the game 4 years in a row.