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Old 03-21-2015, 07:26 AM   #59
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Peterborough, UK
I am disgusted every time I see stories like this. Sports games are, in my humble opinion, the truest example of what is wrong in gaming today. They offer the LEAST amount of value of all the genre's that exist today. Why don't they just admit to what they are really doing, and have been doing for years? What sports games REALLY are is a subscription model. To be quite frank, $60 is just too high of a price for new sports games as a subscription. Especially since they starting taking stuff that was included in yearly releases out and decided to start gouging us financially for them as "DLC". Sports games have become a joke in the value department since the beginning of the LAST generation. That is why I, for one, no longer buy yearly releases for that reason alone. While I used to think my yearly financial support would in turn force the game to continue getting better, I have been unfortunately proven wrong year over year. Just look at this games online. I don't know which is worse anymore, NBA 2K or The Show? For ONCE I would like to see one of these leading developers say, "you know what, were going to release a $25 dollar update this year with rosters, schedules, and uniforms so we can take that PURE PROFIT to tide us over for another year so we can release the next iteration in the manner it is SUPPOSED to be, which is a truly enhanced and upgraded version."

But that will never happen. If we had a true consumers agency looking out for people like us, we would see a minimum three year rule with regards to the matter of servers for today's games. I personally don't play certain modes in games because some of the trophies require too much of an extended commitment to a title that might not even be out a year before I would have to move on to the latest version. I didn't buy NBA 2K14 last year, I haven't bought a Madden game since 2010, and I will not be buying The Show 15 this year because I am sure it will be only a marginal upgrade not worthy of the full price. If I am proven to be wrong, so be it. Maybe I MIGHT change my mind. But, I doubt it.

EA's Tiger Woods series one year released less than a year after the previous. THAT is what has made me keep to my new games buying habit. I just got tired of having to re-buy courses I had already paid too much for, again and again. There is just no value in sports games anymore FOR ME to justify buying a yearly release. In fact, that is not only true with sports games, that goes for games in general. I have significantly reduced my spending over the past few years because this industry has lost its way and is no longer as entertaining to me as it once was. Quality has taken such a nosedive in recent years, I just can't stomach spending the money I used to on my hobby anymore. I could talk about this subject for hours, but I do have a life. I just hope some of you would adopt the same philosophy if only to send the message.

I love The Show, but, sorry boy's, you're not getting my money this year. I'll wait for next years game.
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