It makes a difference because people will naturally choose the easiest shot releases when creating their guy. I think I've even seen threads here on OS that discuss which ones are easiest because why knock yourself out trying to perfect a difficult release when you don't have to.
Before the patch, there were shooters I could take into practice mode and notch a perfect release the first shot with no practice. Meanwhile, I could shoot with guys on my Pacers and shoot all year and never hit one.
Even Kyle Korver, one of the best shooters today, sucked just because of the release assigned to him.
That wasn't really fair either.
After the patch, you can get greens with everyone but there are still "easy shooters" and guys that are not as easy but you can still get green with them.
This has always been a problem in 2K. Easy shot releases make guys great shooters and ratings are secondary and the release overrides everything and I'm guessing these guys in the rec area are also rated up which is a double whammy.
When you play a regular roster game of two NBA 2K teams, you have to deal with what you are given and you don't have a choice. Guys aren't all rated up with easy releases in effect gaming the system. The stats I posted earlier in the thread give actual game data showing the percentages that we are experiencing and they aren't far off from real life which is what we are shooting for.
Not sure what the difficulty is in that rec league area and I haven't seen any stats but I'm assuming that it's lower than HOF sim and would also make things easier because it's not the hardest level.
If you fix your rec league problem though then it makes it worse for us who are basically playing with the guys dealt to us on the teams we are using with a wide array of releases. That also means we have to time 8 to 12 people and not just one.
Maybe if they are available you can post some post game stats here so we can see what is happening over there.
I'm not defending the rec area results. I haven't played in there. But you can't expect realistic results from an unrealistic setup if I am understanding how the area works correctly.
I can only share with you numbers we have in league play and why they are important to us.