"It Follows"
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03-27-2015, 10:27 AM
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"It Follows"
Right now @ 95% on RT... Brad Miska from Bloody-Disgusting gives it raves reviews...
There’s a bit of gore, here and there, but mostly it will make the viewer’s skin crawl. And even though the film is riddled with serious inconsistencies and plot holes (it’s best to just experience it and not think too much about it), It Follows is easily one of the most suspensful and scary movies in recent memory.
It Follows is classical horror, and deserves to be sculpted into the Mount Rushmore of horror alongside other greats
Might see it this afternoon with the wife, If I do I will share my thoughts later tonight
Last edited by bigfnjoe96; 03-27-2015 at
10:32 AM
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