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Old 04-02-2015, 11:44 AM   #103
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jan 2014
Am I the only one that thinks Pure Analog is the way to go? I tried directional hitting because I thought it would be more like MVP 05 but either my memory of it isn't correct or games have changed so much that it's no longer as realistic as I thought. I've played baseball for over 25 years now and I feel like the last few years of pure analog was the most realistic way of hitting. Not only did you have to time the pitch and swing at the right time but you had to time your stride. I can't for the life of me figure out why that option was taken out. Combine the stride timing, with swinging inside, outside or middle and you have something realistic and challenging but not overly difficult. I play on legend and have very realistic stats on average. Please bring the real pure analog back!!
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