Okay, I did not play TW14 aside from the demo for a few minutes, so it's been awhile since I really "played" an EA golf game. What I remember was consistently being able to score in the high 50's/low 60's. I tried the other day to find TW14 on the PS Store and XBL, but I had no luck finding the digital versions. I really wanted to play a few rounds of it just to get a taste of EA golf again.
The other thing that bugged me was the putting system, where you could line up your shot & then see an estimation of where the ball would end up. TGC really nailed the feel of putting really well IMO. I hope EA can do something similar.
Competition is fantastic, and I really hope RM turns out to be a great game. More options and competition between devs would be outstanding. I play TGC on the XB1, so yes, RM should have better visuals and a smoother framerate, not that TGC is bad persay, it just took awhile for it to grow on me. After 125 rounds and 275+ hours of gameplay I couldn't be more pleased with my $35 investment.