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Old 04-08-2015, 11:16 AM   #4
shogunofharlem3's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Blog Entries: 3
Re: R.B.I Baseball 15- Tips, Suggestions, Gameplay.

I played the other day vs my brother in law. He's a gamer and kills me in EVERYTHING!

Well, he can't catch fly balls. I whomped him. It takes some practice. I'm 36 and grew up with no ball markers. Had to learn to judge from the sound effects. FUN. Actually makes misjuduging a ball part of the experience.

Only time I have any issues is on the balls that hook or slice down the line. But realizing now how to play those. Defense is fun.

Had a few glitches though where my ss wouldn't flip to 2b for the lead out. Weird
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