Thread: Scouting?
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Old 04-24-2015, 09:42 AM   #5
sink4ever's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: Scouting?

Originally Posted by gilly11
I've wondered this too. It makes no sense to have 50 players that I've scouted with MLB ETA's within 2 years to not be in the draft.

I've only done 1 draft so maybe they're in the next draft? If not where do they go? What's the point in scouting players that aren't in the upcoming draft?
I know in past years at least that those scouted players are in the next draft. By the time you get to your third or fourth year, you have a much higher percentage of players scouted. It's not an ideal set up and I've been hoping for a while that the whole scouting/draft process will get some major love soon.
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