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Old 04-30-2015, 02:08 PM   #27
DBMcGee3's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Oct 2011
Originally Posted by MDgolf
I just took the plunge and bought the ps4 disc version. I couldn't wait until july for golf. I hope I made the right choice. I love golf and am a sim player so I hope that the lack of PGA license doesn't matter because of spectacular gameplay.
You won't be disappointed man. You have almost limitless courses to play, and millions of online scores to compete against. A buddy of mine recently got the game, and I can't explain how much fun it is to have someone I know personally to compete against, even if he's played his round hours or days earlier. Conversely, it's awesome to get a random text from him like "Nice putt on 15 at Magnolia". Some people complain about the inability to upgrade your golfer, but that's the beauty of the game to me. It puts everyone on a level playing field online.

But most of all, it's an incredibly realistic game of golf. The putting is very challenging, and in my opinion the sensitivity of the swing stick is perfect. Some rounds I'm hitting it great, some rounds I'm spraying it everywhere, but you can feel the difference when you aren't swinging well and it can get in your head.
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