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Old 05-01-2015, 09:17 AM   #201
tarheelguy4736's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: South Carolina
Re: Madden NFL 16 Launches on August 25th - News, Features and Details Arrive in May

Originally Posted by roadman
I have to agree with slick on this one.

You don't see legends in the game anymore because Jim Brown and other legends sued EA and the NFLPA over their likeness in the game.

And what about draft classes after the 1st year, juniors, sophomores, etc.... .

EA will take the safer route since being sued by former football legends and former college players. There is just too much risk involved.
Yes, I understand about the player's likeness already being in the game but I am talking about editing generic players who have no related likeness to any current college player, which was what the OP was referring too. If EA doesn't put the players likeness in the game but allows editing, they are not liable as a company since they did not create the likeness, the consumer did. What the consumer does with game, has no ill effect on EA as a company.
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