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Old 05-04-2015, 04:58 PM   #7
OVR: 0
Join Date: Sep 2012
Re: House rules on cutting players?

I do the following
  1. never cut seniors
  2. never cut anyone who would legitimately be on the 2 deep roster (3 deep at positions like RB/QB)
  3. only ever cut freshmen (RS freshmen included) if there are no other upper classmen left to cut that don't match the first two criteria

The reason for this is to self-simulate having players that practice only actually quit the team and to regulate the amount of convenience cutting I can perform. If there are sophomores and juniors I want on my roster that aren't in the 2-deep, then the restriction on not being able to cut freshmen of any kind first is a nice little incentive to not over recruit.
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