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Old 05-14-2015, 10:28 AM   #18
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Originally Posted by illiterateoption
The bold text is the problem. They ported M25 to the next gen. M16 will mark the 3rd next gen title to use the same engine and animation system with no end in sight. This is the same engine used since Madden 2006. Infinity/Ignite is an animation system layered on top of that same core engine.

They've had more than a year to implement a new engine - certainly enough time to provide new animations. After all, weren't we promised "never to see the same tackle twice" when the Infinity Animation system was rolled out for Madden 13?

I have hammered away at this point and will continue to do so because websites refuse to challenge EA on this issue as it relates to Madden. They'll hammer $20 games like RBI baseball but Madden is never challenged.
Pretty much. What they carried over from last gen is what they decided to go with, and we're stuck with that until next gen assuming they actually do rebuild this game ground up at that point, and I have very little faith they will even then. As long as they're making money, especially with MUT, they'll stick with whatever cost-saving measure they can.

You generally wouldn't expect a rebuild from most franchises, but this game has so many problems it has to be done. The media showed a little teeth over Madden 25 (Kotaku clowned Tiburon over it), but not enough. Porting last gen was just dooming, and considering how much of a mess last gen Madden was, they should've been torn a new one for that.
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