05-15-2015, 08:39 PM
Re: NBA 2K16: Some Ideas On How to Improve the Series
General game play wise i would suggest:
-Separate the online and offline modes as far as game play experience goes. Maybe develop an online slider set to eliminate the cheese without impacting the other modes? Custom/private lobbies to allow players to play online with their own house rules via custom slider sets.
-Reworking animations to eliminate player morphing and give us the same sense of freedom of movement the cpu demonstrates: I should be able to maneuver around the court without being hobbled by odd skipping motions on offense and the shuffle stepping on defense(that should be relegated to the Intense-D feature).
I should not be uncontrollably sucked into odd or unfavorable animations because i accidentally tapped turbo,nor should the cpu slide into me when i should have them beat.
Players not should blow makeable shots or be shafted out of run to the hoop due to being locked into a poor/improper selection the animations. Players reaching through each other to intercept or deflect the ball needs to go.
-Improved Teammate AI: The lazy defense,the lazy rebounding,etc. is very frustrating, it needs to be toned down.In my experience, it seems to be tied directly into difficulty level.
-Re-balanced Opponent AI: At times the cpu demonstrated near psychic ability
on defense and in loose ball situations, needs to be tweaked.Again it seems to be directly proportional to difficulty level.
-Rebalance badges: some seem to work a little too well causing all sorts of issues, some seem to never work, some seem to never even trigger.
-Better CPU coaching/play calling: If left on auto it seems to only call 2 or 3 different plays and is too slow to adjust to the opponent; this is really a problem when one of the plays it keeps calling is broken.
-Make player personalities matter in My Career/My League: Players noted for erratic behavior should have a chance get into confrontations on court as well as experience behaviorial issues of court, leading to ejections from games,fines,suspensions,bad press hurting the prestige of the team,etc.Players noted for being level headed teammates could offer the opposite effect.
Specifically to My Career:
-Fix the in game simulation feature: Often times it seems more interested in setting up certain situations(no matter how farcical they may be) than simulating basketball. Not to say such things shouldn't happen sometimes, just at a much lesser rate than currently.
- Better management of my minutes and team time outs: CPU often wastes time outs and plays you in a rather unrealistic rotation.
-Tweak or remove the storylines: I don't enjoy my player getting into situations beyond my control and behaving i ways i do not wish him to because "that's how the story goes". In my opinion, 2K14 was much better in this regard. Also maybe consider adding a more stripped down my career similar to that in older 2K games as an additional mode.