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Old 05-20-2015, 07:06 AM   #7
OVR: 2
Join Date: Aug 2010
Re: How do you use directional hitting?

Originally Posted by MoneyMo21
Directional hitting like many of you know is basically timing hitting. If you know what pitch is coming it makes it pretty easy to hit the ball with a little bit of practice. If you use the offset pitcher view when hitting you'll know what pitch is coming by looking at the pitchers fingers on the ball. This needs to be patched somehow. They need to either use the same grip on all pitches to mask this, eliminate hitting from the pitchers view all together, or just eliminate directional hitting all together from online play.

I know they won't eliminate directional hitting from online play since it's a new feature even though I disagree, but they should be able to do one of the other two I would think. There's a thread on the show nation forums in the diamond dynasty section discussing this but like I stated I can't post there for some reason. If people wanna do this vs the computer knock yourselves out but this just ruins online play wether diamond dynasty or online rated. This is just my opinion but if you like to play online and they don't fix this, more people are going to use this exploit and you might have to as well if you wanna compete. Thanks for your time.
This was one of my few gripes about the show I've had forever. Almost all hitters know what's coming, either through the grip and/or spin. I wouldn't so much pick up the grip when I played because I could see the seams, which was easier for me because I felt it made me focus on the ball more. Good pitchers are better at hiding tipoffs (including grips) but there's only so much you can do (seams). I really hope they find a way to implement this even if it's just a red dot on a ball for a breaking pitch.
As for directional, I'm sure most people play on it since it's easier and they probably want to tailor it so the casual fan can pick up and play, instead of getting frustrated and not play.
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