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Old 06-03-2015, 08:55 AM   #273
MythicalGnome's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Re: MLB 15 The Show Patch 1.03 Available Now, Details Included (PS3, PS4)

Originally Posted by Knight165
Not true at all....not how you came to that conclusion.
But even if it were.....could you blame them?
The backhanded comments and side door attempts at calling them liars basically is making the Show forums irrelevant.
How can there be any real conversation if you're(not you in particular) not even going to start with what the devs tell you is the case?
You reap what you sow.

I don't have a problem if they are still onto the idea that they too need to continue and learn and improve in all aspects. Example: just because numbers look okay on the back of jerseys doesn't mean you stop trying to get it down just right or because you did 3d grass nicely doesn't mean everything stops.

Usually, textures artists get a decent amount of feedback from people but do their own thing. I'm fine with that and the lighting and whatever else too. "You" reap what you sow is completely ridiculous line of thinking for me anyway. I don't even ask for anything but accurate jerseys atm.

Yeah, it's something they need to find a way to get done. The excuses for inaccurate jerseys are not sitting well with people anymore, it certainly is not just me. This is the ONLY MLB game out there. It's time to step up their communication with the people in the agencies that run the style guide.

I never called anyone liars so I don't have that kinda baggage on me. I just think they are not learning enough or improving enough, and this may not be the devs it could be the higher-ups in charge, as an entire organization when it comes to things like uniforms.

Are we really going to go another full year with the Yankees jerseys and the misplaced numbering? Seems like something a modder would fix within a month or two. It'd be nice just to get some feedback on why these things cannot be done, or better WHEN they WILL be done, because these are not just issues you press aside like they don't matter.

Stuff about little things like fatigue and glitches I don't care so much about. Accuracy in MLB uniforms? Yeah, I think that is pretty important when you are the only MLB game on the block. I am pretty patient too. I can wait.

Last edited by MythicalGnome; 06-03-2015 at 03:31 PM.
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