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Old 06-10-2015, 01:43 PM   #63
Corymach7's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Cover Athlete is Russell Westbrook, Official Confirmation Tomorrow

Originally Posted by brent3419
spurs fan here, how on earth would the bulls steal the spurs playbook with little to no knowledge on how to properly execute the playbook that takes alot of time to learn. the spurs lost in the first round because they got took to the limits by la and lost just like the bucks lost to chicago which has better talent. no offense to the bucks but they had a sub .500 record and skirted by in a weak eastern conference where as okc had an above .500 record and missed out. i want to come on this forum and talk about westbrooks cover and the future of live but again no offense but please stop with the homerism its quite annoying
Of course the Bulls stole the Spurs playbook. It's not because the Clippers and Bulls were better, it's that the Spurs playbook was stolen by the Bulls for the Bulls to win Game 6 by 54 and win the series. Also, Westbrook don't deserve the cover but the Greek Freak does!

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