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Old 06-17-2015, 06:48 PM   #18
OVR: 22
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Illinois USA
Re: Madden NFL 16 Gameplay Video (IGN)

See that starting kickoff with the two players on the right side of the kickoff do the exact same animation at the exact same time? This is exactly what i been harping about...these repetitive animations, especially when you see two players doing it at the same time on-screen really sticks out like a sore thumb. This stuff HAS to be little as it may really harms the overall atmosphere..its so unrealistic. It all comes back to fluidity and the overall flow of the game.

Another thing i noticed is the post-play jogging animations of the players...still too robotic and almost on the side of too slow. I cannot pinpoint it but it don't seem right. I think it might be the arms of the players how they are bent and the overall speed of the players jogging being a bit too slow...when you see players jogging back to the huddle with the same exact bent arms/ don't seem right, Again i cannot pinpoint it but i think that is it. Yes i know seems like nitpicking but really these little things make a huge difference..especially when they start adding up in a negative way.
..You win some, you lose some

Last edited by Moegames; 06-17-2015 at 06:51 PM.
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