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Old 07-01-2015, 05:46 PM   #16
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Location: Phoenix, AZ by way of Washington D.C.
Originally Posted by PRAY IV M3RCY
I think being able to break out of any animation is a bit unrealistic. While I do agree there should be SOME animation we should break out of if need be, I would challenge you to go out on the basketball court and try and break out of your movements at any point you wanted to. I garantee you will find it difficult to control your body as much as you would like. It is a video game at the end of the day but I'm going to appreciate the developers that don't sacrifice realism for user control like other companies.
Yeah I hear you. It's just 2K can be too animation heavy at times. They need to find a balance where I don't feel like the control is taken completely out of my hands at times while maintaining that smoothness or realism that you're referring to. I know It's easier said then done but if any company can pull it off it's 2K.
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