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Old 07-02-2015, 02:46 PM   #24
SolidSquid's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Re: Donny Moore, the 'Madden Ratings Czar', Leaving EA

Originally Posted by Senator Palmer
I got mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, I've felt for a while that the ratings system needed some fresh blood, or at least a new perspective, but this might not actually mean that's what's happening. You always run the risk that the replacement will be even worse.

I remember that article a while ago on the disconnect between what some developers wanted to do and what Donny wanted. As in Donny wanted to continue to expand the ratings to show greater difference between players, while others were completely at a loss as to why that was necessary.
I don't see anyway that his replacement is a single person. They have to come in with a ratings team. It's just too much work for one guy first of all and it becomes very arbitrary in the sense that just bc one person thinks a guy should be rated X his stats don't match up to it.

However we did go 16 years with just one guy doing the ratings so I could be wrong.
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