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Old 07-04-2015, 04:03 AM   #17
OVR: 33
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Kent, UK
Blog Entries: 49
Innovation in sports games isn't on a great decline in my opinion. Sports simulations are attempting to replicate something we watch & love everyday. Sure if you enjoy novelty aspects like Night Golf, Bobblehead Players & streaks of fire on your Basketball then that can easily be achieved (and be classed as innovative). Most people just want to see what they see for real in their game. Innovation is fine as long as it's kept within the boundaries of the sport its representing.
As a old gamer who goes back to the days of the Atari 2600 I find it pretty impressive that we see people complaining about a tattoo being in the wrong position or, perish the thought, not their at all!!! That's an indication of how far we've come.
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