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Old 07-16-2015, 03:27 AM   #8
Groove74's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Oklahoma City
Smile Re: Looking for advice

Originally Posted by raneman85
You have to take into account that DD is not like the other modes especially if you play against the computer. If you take the same default sliders on All-Star which I think is the optimum fair game level and use them in franchise.season, playoff, or exhibition you get a more balanced game.. This isn't the CPU cheats post. Most of the glitches I see in this game are in DD. The CPU doesn't bunt 8 times in franchise. Most of my DD games are close. I would get frustrated because I outhit the CPU but it out defenses me or I get the "that guy really homered on that pitch". The reward is usually greater for DD wins so, I play it. I also have the opinion (which are like noses) that the CPU levels up to your play in DD (Damn Dynasty) which explains the number of close games and extra inning games.

As far as Human. Well I just hate people so there. Just relax take it for what it's worth forget about the record, you'll get your wins.. Games against MLB teams are better balanced. Not that losing is fun but it's a challenging mode.
Thanks, after reading your post you have a good way of putting things in perspective. I am now in the neighborhood of 45-77. While my record like you said is not important, I am a very competitive online player all my DD game are Head to Head. I am in the process of trying a new batting camera to see if in the next 100 games my numbers improve. Doing this with E Catcher Zoom to get direct focus on the pitch out of the pitchers hand in an effort to better track each pitch.

As always I appreciate any advice offered here on Operation Sports. PLAY BALL
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