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Old 07-20-2015, 01:12 AM   #7
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jan 2013
Re: NBA 2K15 After-Draft Roster (360)

I have a roster. I rerated the entire free agent roster, updated up until today, but I'm house sitting right now and don't have my USB drive. It obviously doesn't have updated coaches unfortunately, I really wanted to replace coach thibs with hoiberg. I updated what I could though. I'll post a roster once I'm able to... It's not a perfect roster, unfortunately there's no reditor obviously so it will include an updated free agency, I removed players that aren't in the free agency pool any more and put them on historic teams. Only about 4 players have 70+ ovr in the free agent pool. I prefer lower ratings. I'll post the info and roster once I can. I've been waiting for days for my key for reditor for 2k14... I can't stand going back a year in 2k and very much prefer 2k15 especially since I don't have to see Lebron's face every time I fire up 2k lol.
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